xXPysiaXx - 2010-02-07 22:53:56

Book of honour to powtarzalny quest na honory. Aby otrzymac zadanie na honory nalezy kupic, bądz wydropic w FGR PoHa, jesli bedziemy juz go mieli udajemy sie do Port Lux zagadujemy do Morrisona(Officer). Otrzymamy zadanie. Quest zalezy od rangi honoru jaka mamy, a wiec...

* Level 2 Honor Quest: (2,000 Honor) 15 Books taken from Death Soldier in Undead Ground.
* Level 3 Honor Quest: (4,000 Honor) 20 Books taken from Death Giant in Undead Ground.
* Level 4 Honor Quest: (7,272 Honor) 25 Books taken from Wraith in Undead Ground.
* Level 5 Honor Quest: (11,428 Honor) 30 Books taken from Ogre in Lake in Dusk.
* Level 6 Honor Quest: (17,777 Honor) 35 Books Taken from Minotaurus in Lake in Dusk.
* Level 7 Honor Quest: (27,826 Honor) 40 Books taken from Invader Mechazard in Ruina Station.
* Level 8 Honor Quest: (42,666 Honor) 45 Books taken from Invader Auto Cannon-ex in Ruina Station.
* Level 9 Honor Quest: (64,000 Honor) 50 Books taken from Flesh Golem in Tower of the Death.
* Level 10 Honor Quest: (64,000 Honor) 55 Books taken from Phamtom Blader in Frozen tower of the Undead (B2F)

Po zakonczeniu zadania wracamy sie do Morissona i mozemy cieszyc sie honorkami.

Na dokładkę, rozpiska honorów na poszczególnych rangach, oraz związanych z nimi tytułów.

Honor Rank / Honor / Tytuły Capelli / Tytuły Procyon/ Tytuły beznacjowych

Class 1 / 10,000 /- /- /-
Class 2 / 20,000 /- /- /-
Class 3 / 40,000 /- /- /-
Class 4 / 80,000 /- /- /-
Class 5 / 160,000 /- /- /-
Class 6 / 320,000 /- /- /-
Class 7 / 640,000 /- /- /-
Class 8 / 1,280,000 /- /- /-
Class 9 / 2,560,000 /- /- /-
Class 10/ 5,120,000 /- /- /-
Class 11 / 10,000,000 /Praetor /Knight Vagabond
Class 12 / 20,000,000 /Praetor of Silence /Knight of Dawn /Disciple
Class 13 / 50,000,000 /Praetor of Insight /Knight of Fighting /Spirit Ascetic
Class 14 / 80,000,000 /Praetor of Tolerance /Knight of Passion /-
Class 15 / 150,000,000 /Praetor of Glory /Knight of Protection /-
Class 16 / 300,000,000 /Praetor of Faith /Knight of Valor /-
Class 17 / 500,000,000 /Praetor of Will /Knight of Devotion /-
Class 18 / 1,000,000,000 /Praetor of Truth /Knight of Judgment /-
Class 19 / 1,500,000,000 /Praetor of Brilliance /Knight of Tempest /-
Class 20 / 2,000,000,000 /The Quaestor /The Sovereign /-

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